NDP candidate announced for Moosomin-Montmartre riding ahead of provincial election

The Saskatchewan NDP has named their candidate for the riding of Moosomin-Montemartre ahead of the next provincial election.

Chris Ball will be their candidate, having been nominated by local Saskatchewan NDP members yesterday.

“I am honoured to be the Sask NDP candidate here in Moosomin-Montmartre,” said Ball. “I am ready to serve my community in the legislature and deliver on Carla Beck’s plan to make life more affordable and to grow our economy.”

Poilievre urges Singh to end NDP deal with Liberals, force fall election

Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre has written to the leader of the New Democrats, urging him to force an election this fall.

Poilievre's letter to Jagmeet Singh says the NDP does not have a mandate from voters to keep Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in power for another year.

He's urging Singh to vote non-confidence in the government when the House of Commons resumes in September.

The NDP entered a supply and confidence deal with the Liberals in 2022, agreeing to keep the minority government in power until 2025 in exchange for movement on key priorities.

Lock it or lose it: Estevan experiencing 36 per cent increase in personal property theft

A surge in personal property thefts, including bikes, phones, and money, have affected the community in recent months, with police reporting a nearly 40 per cent increase in cases. 

“So if you look at the year over year data, we are seeing an increase compared to this time of year last year in 23. If you look at the math, we're showing about a 36 per increase in theft under 5000 and theft over 5000 is relatively stable,” said interim chief Warren Morrical.

Saskatchewan schools making sure pronoun law followed as kids head back to class

Saskatchewan's two largest school divisions say they’ve addressed concerns from teachers and are enforcing the province’s pronoun law as children head back to classrooms next week.

Jason Coleman, superintendent of student achievement at Regina Public Schools, says students under 16 who want to change their names or pronouns in school are required to have parental consent. Those older can do so without.

Some parents have said no, said Coleman. When that happens, the division works with students on getting them to a place where they can communicate with their families.

Not-for-profit organization brings together everyone interested in AI

Artificial Intelligence Saskatchewan or AISK, pronounced ask, is an incorporated not-for-profit organization with the goal of bringing together everyone interested in AI to learn, and to discuss what it means for society, for education and jobs, along with AI’s opportunities and challenges.

Study finds no evidence Tories were behind bot campaign that posted about Poilievre

There is no evidence that indicates the federal Conservatives were behind a bot network on social media that praised a Pierre Poilievre rally, a new study has found. 

The Canadian Digital Media Research Network launched an investigation after hundreds of X accounts posted about the Conservative leader's July rally in Kirkland Lake, Ont., all using the same language with phrases like "buzzing with energy" and "as a northern Ontarian."

Mayor Ludwig comments on ice rink plebiscite and community feedback

As Estevan prepares for a plebiscite on the need for a new ice rink, Mayor Roy Ludwig has weighed in on the discussion, highlighting the substantial costs and the ongoing debate.

Ludwig’s comments come in response to growing concerns and the repeated question of whether the city requires another ice surface. He acknowledged the concerns raised by Councillor Tony Sernick, who is on the Bruins Board on behalf of the council. Noting that the question has been raised many times over the years.

Refusal of breath test leads to significant penalties for Estevan driver

On Tuesday night, an Estevan woman was arrested after being caught driving 154 km/h in a 100 km/h zone. The incident occurred on Highway 39 between Hitchcock and Macoun.

Following a failed roadside breath test, she was taken to the station, where she refused to provide further breath samples.

14 rural doctors to work in Saskatchewan recruited under SIPPA program

The province has recruited 14 new doctors who will be practicing in rural areas after completing the Saskatchewan International Physician Practice Assessment. (SIPPA)

Those doctors completed the SIPPA back in May, and are now starting in a variety of communities.

In the southeast, two doctors are coming to Estevan, with Norma Makram Aziz Abdelnour and Azadeh Fazel both practicing in the city.

As well, Carlyle will see Behzad Khorvash begin practice in town thanks to the program with Funmilola Abosede Ogundipe working in Kipling.