Fall Grazing of perennial forages

Fall grazing management can really ‘set the stage’ for next year’s perennial pastures. It is important to leave sufficient carry-over (litter) on pastures prior to the upcoming winter months. As much as it is tempting, overgrazing pastures in the fall period is not worth the loss of production in subsequent grazing seasons.

RCMP make an arrest in bale and grass fires in the Unity/Macklin area

Saskatchewan RCMP made an arrest on Monday in connection to a series of hay bale and grass fires that occurred in the Unity/Macklin RCMP area. 

Cpl. Christopher Neufeld of Unity RCMP says they responded to over 15 reports of deliberately set hay bale and grass fires within the last month.

Unity RCMP and the Macklin Fire Department responded and worked together on the investigation.

Evidence and surveillance video from a bale fire resulted in the arrest of 25-year-old Logan Sieben from Macklin on Monday.

Saskatchewan's average weekly earnings up 5.17% year-over-year

According to the latest data released by Statistics Canada, Saskatchewan's average weekly earnings were up in June compared to May. The numbers, which came out Thursday morning, show the average weekly earnings in the province were $1220.82, an increase of 5.17 percent from June 2023 and up by $12.30 from May.  

Poilievre urges Singh to end NDP deal with Liberals, force fall election

Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre has written to the leader of the New Democrats, urging him to force an election this fall.

Poilievre's letter to Jagmeet Singh says the NDP does not have a mandate from voters to keep Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in power for another year.

He's urging Singh to vote non-confidence in the government when the House of Commons resumes in September.

The NDP entered a supply and confidence deal with the Liberals in 2022, agreeing to keep the minority government in power until 2025 in exchange for movement on key priorities.

Saskatchewan schools making sure pronoun law followed as kids head back to class

Saskatchewan's two largest school divisions say they’ve addressed concerns from teachers and are enforcing the province’s pronoun law as children head back to classrooms next week.

Jason Coleman, superintendent of student achievement at Regina Public Schools, says students under 16 who want to change their names or pronouns in school are required to have parental consent. Those older can do so without.

Some parents have said no, said Coleman. When that happens, the division works with students on getting them to a place where they can communicate with their families.

Waiting on the traffic lights along First Avenue: Engineering Director explains timing

With the reopening of First Avenue north, some may be wondering what's happening with the traffic lights at the intersection of Government Road, as it is still being operated as a four-way stop.

Director of Engineering with the City of Weyburn, Renee Cugnet, said First Avenue will resume the week of September 9th, due to delays with suppliers for the signal heads and detection cameras, as well as contractor crew scheduling.

Weyburn Police nab impaired driver thanks to RID tip

The Weyburn Police Service made an arrest for impaired driving on the weekend, thanks to a tip through the Report Impaired Drivers, or RID, program.  

“They located the vehicle that was called in, and it was pretty straightforward,” said Sergeant Shane St. John. “They received an impaired (charge) and a court date at a later date. Always a danger when driving impaired, but there was no one hurt in this incident, and you’re always thankful when that occurs.  

Study finds no evidence Tories were behind bot campaign that posted about Poilievre

There is no evidence that indicates the federal Conservatives were behind a bot network on social media that praised a Pierre Poilievre rally, a new study has found. 

The Canadian Digital Media Research Network launched an investigation after hundreds of X accounts posted about the Conservative leader's July rally in Kirkland Lake, Ont., all using the same language with phrases like "buzzing with energy" and "as a northern Ontarian."