Take Your Space and be Visible: Bike Safety Tips for Fall and Winter riding

Right now, we are in the early part of Autumn, and the days are getting shorter. The road traffic is heavier due to the combination of students and teachers returning to school, and people returning to work from their summer vacations. All of this can make for a perfect storm that can make the commute to work trying to say the least. 

For those choosing to get to work on their bikes, the trip to work means that utmost concentration and safe riding habits are key to arriving at work or home safely. 

'Give us a smile and wave': Soo Line Cruisers to hold final Care Home Cruise of 2024

Residents of Bison Manor, Tatagwa View, Weyburn Special Care Home, Midtown Care Home, Legion Towers, Hilltop Manor, and Parkway Lodge will be able to take in the Soo Line Cruisers Car Club's final Care Home Cruise this Sunday afternoon from 2 to 4 p.m.

Club member Jarrod Stroeder said they will drive by each of the care homes on their route twice, and anyone is welcome to enjoy the parade of cars. The club holds a Care Home Cruise at the beginning of the warm weather season and another near the end of the season. 

Steinbach family turns flood into fun

Steinbach resident, Landon Friesen and his family made the most of the flooding on Tuesday morning.

“We were standing by the window and looking out and, of course, the streets were flooded and the park across the street was flooded. So, the kids ran out to start playing. And I thought, hey, let's grab the canoe and see if we can have some fun.” 

UGM hosting youth event showcasing God at work in Winnipeg

A Winnipeg ministry that mainly focuses on blessing people experiencing homelessness is hosting a free youth event in October. 

"On October 18 at 7:00, in conjunction with Millar College of the Bibles, and their band Illuminate, we're hosting a youth worship night," says Martin Chidwick, the Development Manager at Union Gospel Mission (UGM). "It's happening at North Kildonan Mennonite Brethren Church in Winnipeg."

The theme for this year, the third annual, is 'Now I Can See.'

Farmer Appreciation - Harvest Edition Grand Prize Winner

Harvest is in full swing, and Country 100 and 800 CHAB are showing appreciation for YOU with the Farmer Appreciation Harvest Edition. Listeners entered for a chance to win $100 for lunch at Deja Vu Cafe and $25 to Canadian Tire in Moose Jaw, while also getting the opportunity to pay it forward by surprising a fellow farmer with lunch too! All entries qualified for the GRAND PRIZE: $1,000 worth of FMC’s Express SG from Parrish & Heimbecker.

Happening today: Fuel Good Day at Prairie Sky Co-op locations

It's Fuel Good Day today, which means three non-profits in the area will benefit from anyone filling up their gas tanks today at any of the Prairie Sky Co-op gas bar locations in Weyburn, Milestone, Lang, and Beaubier.

Member Relations Manager Danielle Knoll said, "If you fill up at any Prairie Sky Co-op location, we are giving 10 cents per litre sold today back to the community. 

Plant sale fundraiser brings smiles to many

There are multiple winners every time the Cochrane and District Horticultural Society holds its semiannual plant sale fundraiser.

The buyers leave happy, the club members are thrilled to share their knowledge and passion, and a worthy local cause is supported.

Horticultural Society president Paola Dottor-Cena says some of the groups they have supported over the years fall under the radar.

The Hot New Health Trend Is Eating Dirt

TikTok's newest health advice is to go eat some dirt.  Eating "biodynamic soil" in the form of clay is supposed to help with everything from gut health to acne.

There's even a term for people who do it . . . "crunchers." The idea is that it's loaded with minerals that are good for you.

If you want to try this, you can't just go to Mitford Pond to scoop some dirt and chow down. Normal dirt is full of chemicals.

So you need to buy special dirt called "biodynamic soil." Websites that sell it say it has a "medium hard crunch" and a "pleasant earthy taste."